174th Assault
Helicopter Company

Click here to write us at the website

1999 Reunion
October 8, 9, 10, 1999
Ft. Walton Beach, Florida

Registration Form

Pleast print this form, fill it out, and mail with your payment
by SEPTEMBER 15, 1999

Bernie Cobb, Secretary/Treasurer
174th AHC Assn -- Reunion '99
16098 Highway 167
New Brockton, AL 36351



City: ________________________________ State: _____________ ZIP: ____________


FAX and/or E- Mail:

Number attending reunion: _________________

Arrival date: ________________ Departure date: ________________

List number attending Saturday night Fish Fry at $6.00 each (children under 6 free): ____

T-SHIRTS (Blue only). One shirt free for each paid registrant, extra T-shirts cost $15.00 each.
List Number and Size of T-shirt(s):

Golf Shirt Colors are Blue, Black, Red, and Green. Cost is $18.00 each.
List color, quantity, and size: ____________________________________
List color, quantity, and size: ____________________________________
List color, quantity, and size: ____________________________________
List color, quantity, and size: ____________________________________

Names of persons attending with you:
Names of persons to go on Ft. Rucker Museum bus tour:
Names of persons to go on fishing trip (cost not yet determined):


$ __________ Registration fee (number attending X $35.00).
$ __________ Saturday night Fish Fry (number attending X $6.00. Children under 6 free).
$ __________ Extra T-shirts at $15 per shirt.
$ __________ Golf shirts at $18 per shirt.
$ __________ Shipping charge of $3/shirt ONLY for those to be mailed.
$ __________ Dues at $20.00 per year.
$ __________ Donations.

$ __________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED (Make checks to "174 AHC Reunion")

For room reservations, call the hotel free at (877) 243-9444 RIGHT AWAY.

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