174th Assault
Helicopter Company


Robert Brackenhoff's Composites

Webmaster note: Robert A. Brackenhoff is a 174th Alumnus (Class of 70-71) and has sent me a number of photo page composites he's put together on his own, from his own photographs taken in-country. Robert was one of the absolutely CRITICAL people in the 174th. He was a mechanic in 174th maintenance and, as those of us who were there know, the maintenance guys regularly worked extremely long hours, performed absolute miracles in keeping our birds in the air, and usually got little recognition or reward for their hard work. Robert composed these picture groupings and sent them to several of us "just for our enjoyment." I think they are very good and I will include below all he has sent me. All photo selections, groupings, and titles are Robert's. Although there are photos here from both 1970 and 1971, I am intermixing the two years below.

Robert was on the "PE-Team" for a couple of months. The PE-team performed PEriodic inspections--the big ones that took a lot of time and were very detailed. Robert then moved to unscheduled maintenance, where they took care of those unpredicted--and sometimes unpredictable--problems that came up in between the periodicals. Below is Robert's 174th Witchdoctor maintenance unit PE-Team patch that he wore on his uniform while a member of that team.

If anyone wishes to contact Robert, he can be reached at rbrackenhoff@triad.rr.com.

Click on each title below to load its corresponding photo page.

Costly Decision for the 174th

The Sharks of the 174th

More Sharks...

Sharks and Dolphins (and the Witchdoctor)

Visiters to Duc Pho

More Visitors to Duc Pho

Still More Visiters to Duc Pho

Even Still More Visiters to Duc Pho

Quang Tri 1971 Sightings

Teeth of a Different Flavor

Aviation Memories (RVN)

More Aviation Memories (RVN)

Still More Aviation Memories (RVN)

Even Still More Aviation Memories (RVN)

Big Cheese Visitor to Duc Pho?
