174th Assault Helicopter Company

WO Fred Thompson, Shark 7

Fat Albert

Everybody has a mascot of some type or another and the Sharks were no exception. Fat Albert rode with us during flights and had more combat missions that Al Gore and Bill Clinton combined. He always got up early and beat us to the aircraft. We all loved him, but Fat Albert knew the difference between an officer and a real soldier -- Yeah, he rode with us, but we couldn't get near him. Mark Hogson, Bud Vann, Tom Taggert, Ralph Carty, Danny Neagle, Shadow, John Moore, Pat Wade, Bill Wilder, Gary Munson, Yogi Reaves, Bob Millus, Scott Sparks, Bob Jansen, Lee Fairchild, Mark McEvoy, Ray Earvin, Bud Braskett, Allen Parker and even Jim Skelly could kick that mutt around the yard, and he'd just love it. But let an officer try to pet him... Watch out! (Damn Mutt!) I talked to a guy a few years ago who was saying how sometime after I left, the dog pissed him off and he killed him in Chu Lai, like he'd accomplished some special feat... I never talked with him again, and don't care if I ever see him again.

(Photo property of Fred Thompson)
---Click on the photo for an enlargement---

Fat Albert peforming a pre-flight walkaround on Shark 140


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