174th Assault Helicopter Company

Martin, McDaniel, and Main

Larry Martin was a pretty good guitar player, and often we'd pass the hours in the Misfits tent with him pickin' his 6-string and others of us trying to do something stupid, like play the bongos (anyone remember bongos?) Well, In the 100+ temperature and humitity in Vietnam in the Summer, those bongos were kind of like playing tupperware dishes. In the first picture, above (not very clear), Jim McDaniel is honing his fine Jamaican rhythms to Larry's country-and-western tunes. We produced a rather strange clash of musical cultures. In the second photo, below, Mel Main is trying his luck. Note the "rocket-box-furniture" belonging to Jim McDaniel, and the assortment of stuff hanging from it.

(Both photos property of Jim McDaniel. Duc Pho, 1967)

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