2023 Reunion Photos and After Action Report

We had 36 members attend with 39 guests. Since it was a new place to hold the reunion, there were a few things to get used to for each of us. The “ready room” was very nice with a smoking deck outside. The room was well stocked with snacks and drinks by Nancy Bennett. We had the ready room from Thursday through Sunday. It was nicely located centrally to all the buildings with rooms.

We held the annual membership meeting at noon on Friday while the ladies enjoyed the special luncheon for them. The new officers were installed and took over. Dale Spratt is the President; Dwight Wise is the Vice President; and Dean Lind is the Secretary/Treasurer.

Everyone seemed to have a good time. The distance from the rooms to the main lobby was a bit difficult for some, but everything else was good. Everyone commented on the nice breakfast buffet as opposed to the one at the Best Western.

The ladies' luncheon was a huge success for the ladies. The room was taken care of by a hotel attendee and the food was purchased from the hotel, so it was easier for the ladies to have a good time. They enjoyed a zoom call with Sam and Helen Davis since they were not able to attend this year.

The Saturday Dinner was also great. Everyone commented on how nice it was not to have to commute to the dinner. The room, the view and the food were terrific. The guest speaker could not make it due to his father having a stroke. Russ Thomas, guest of Steve Kennedy, filled in at the last minute and did a nice job. Overall, the reunion was another great success.

Hal Koster