174th AHC Guestbook
Webmaster note: Below is a link to our 174th Guestbook. The service is free to us, but does have a "commercial" look to it and includes advertisements. Please use this Guestbook to sign in and provide comments on the 174th Home Page, corrections, or suggestions for improvement. Let us know if you're looking for anyone specific. If you're a former member, let others know you're "out there" and give us your e-mail address. We especially wish to expand our list of e-mail addresses of former 174th members. Amazingly enough, on April 1, 2012 (yes, April Fools Day) our former Guestbook provider folded and went out of business, taking all our old guestbook entries with it. This is a new site, starting anew in April. Thanks for checking in. Check back frequently. --Jim McD>