1968 - Unit Histories / Photos / War Stories
Dolphin 954's Nose Art (CE Kelly and AC Clement)
Randy Putnam's Photos Page
Sam Davis' Photos Page
Major Glen Gibson's Recollections of the 174th (67 & 68)
TET Offensive--Operation Norfolk Victory (1 Jan 68 - 30 Apr 68)
Operations Supporting the 11th Brigade at Duc Pho (2 Apr 68 - 31 Jul 68)
Defense of Ha Than, Task Force Galloway (1 Aug 68 - 31 Oct 68)
Operation Vernon Lake II (1Nov68 - 31Dec68)
Americal Order of Battle, Nov 1968
Cliff Berg's Photos Page
Dave Spahr's Photos Page
Dennis Pelliccia Photos page
1LT Peters, WO1 Magno, & WO1 Doersam
New Shark Hootch
Early Shark Hootch Lounge
174th Company area Low aerial photo.
1998 Soldier's Award for My Lai (From Current Photos Page)
Col. Henderson's CONFIDENTIAL Report to MG Koster on My Lai
Crew Chiefs Are Eyes and Ears of Gunships, Stars & Stripes article
Shark 137 with jammed 40mm
Shark 138 departs Shark Park
1st Platoon's Pet Deer
Small Viet War Operations Can Turn Into Fierce Fights, Stars & Stripes article
The Rescue of 1LT Barry Lloyd of the 123rd Aviation Battalion
Shark 165 gets refueled
Captain Lanny McCrary Shutting Down a Shark at Duc Pho
U.S. Copter "Saves" NVA, Stars & Stripes article
Aerial photo of LZ Baldy
SP4 Wally Nunn
SP4 Wally Nunn - A Participant's View of The Battle of Dai Do
WO1 Jim Young at LZ Baldy
Bullet through the Binding
Crewchiefs and Gunners of the 174th
Headline News from May 1968
Near miss
Sharks on Standby Atop Mt. Bronco
Social Hour at the Shark Hootch
More on the Shark Hootch Porch
Two Shark 6's
Shark Cookout
WO1 Bill Murphy
A Memory of CW2 Henry Tews
CW2 Tews' Crash Site
Cold Extraction South of Duc Pho
Thanksgiving dinner, 1968
Shark 157 Headed Home
Duc Pho Raceway (Story and 5 photos)
Bear Hunting from a Helicopter (Story and 3 photos)
Tim Healy's Photos Page (Dolphin Door Gunner, 68-69)
Russ Pelke's Photos Page (Dolphin Crew Chief, 68-69)
Photos Page of SP5 Harry Cooper (Dolphin Crew Chief, 68-69)
Milton Thomas and Tony Yates
Christmas for the Troops, 1968
Christmas Eve at the O'Club
Merry Christmas 1968
JC Pennington's 1968 Christmas Memories